Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Lecturers in Uniten

Hai everyone,

  For this week, its all about our beloved lecturers.Of course, a university will never be complete without lecturers.In fact, it won't be a university if we don't have lecturers.Without them, we will be nothing.

Without further ado, lets continue on this by introducing all the lecturers in every departments and programmes provided here in Uniten.

Lets start with the lecturers from college of engineering.These lecturers are well experienced and innovative lecturers in the field of engineering.They gave great education, experiences and commitments to these students that make Uniten proud to have them, well, so are we.And we are so lucky to have them as our  lecturers .

There are a total of 25 lecturers in the Civil Engineering department, 40 lecturers in Electrical Power Engineering department, 58 lecturers in Electronic and Communication Engineering, 46 lecturers in Mechanical Engineering department and 8 lecturers in Engineering Mathematics and Management Unit.

Now, lets know the lecturers here in COIT.These lecturers, as COE, are also well experienced lecturers in the IT field.They are good in teaching these students the theories in computers, and how to use them effectively in daily life.They have strong personalities and able to interact well with the students that they manage to produce quality students for the outside world.

There are a total of 10 lecturers in Graphic and Multimedia department, 17 lecturers in Information System, 18 lecturers in Software Engineering department and 13 lecturers in Sytem and Networking department.

And finally are the lecturers from CFGS.They are all very creative teachers and always ready to serve the
best in their teachings as well as always there to help the students whenever they are in trouble with their studies, and even their social lives.

There are about 28 lecturers in Sciences, Mathemathics and Computing, 11 lecturers Business Management and Accounting, 13 lecturers in Social Sciences department and 18 lecturers in Languages and Communications department.

Well.that's all for now.Later, we will introduce more on our lecturer to you.

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