Monday, 2 July 2012


  Welcome !! This time I'm going to talk about UNITEN's Library and Labs. Firstly, i would like to start with library. I would proudly say that it is one of the leading Private University Libraries in Malaysia. The highlighted part is, it is one of the biggest library in Southheast Asia.It consist of 6 levels and has seating capacity for 1074 users with fully occupied with updated facilities.Furthermore, library focuses its collection on subjects such as,engineering,computer science, and information technology.

 Uniten 's library services from monday to sunday but with different service hours. On monday to thurday it opens from 8.30am to 5.15pm whereas on weekends it opens on 8.30am to 5pm. During festivals such as Chinese New Year or Vesak Day, library are closed.Moreover,there is lots of terms and condition to borrow book in this library. Firstly, you should owned Student card.This is because library membership is open to Uniten students.This library operates with fully computerized system,so to borrow books, simply bring the book and your ID to the counter and they will settle all for you in few seconds.

These are the borrowing priviledges and fines.

  Well,these are the few rules and regulation that students need to follow. Members should be in proper attireespecially on monday. They should always bring along ID cards when they entering Uniten's library.Besides, students are not allowed to bring bags unless if they have laptop they can bring it in. In addition, stealing library properties is a crime and membership will be suspended if students do so.

  Now i will be brief about computers labs in uniten. If come to computer labs, College of Information Technology, or to be more specific (COIT), is famous. This is because in COIT level 3 and level 4 is fully occupied with computer labs. Whereas in College of Engineering, or COE they have specific building for only computer labs, which well-known as ITMS. Plus, Uniten have 20 computer labs. All the computers mainly runs on Windows XP but now most of the computers are upgraded with latest windows.The computers also do support application software and also software related to all kind of subjects.Yet,lecturers teach some subjects in side the labs and during the periods that labs are free for classes, the labs are available for students.

  As conclusion, Uniten's library well-known for knowledge centre and they also provide excellent services to all the students.Uniten computer labs are also their for responsible students not only surt they internet but to make sure they able to complete their assignmets. Dats all from me today, Thank you once again for reading this blog.

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