Saturday, 23 June 2012

UNITEN Student Emerges Champion at Sofe Competition 2011

Welcome again to all our readers out there. Thanks for still spending your time on group I blog of ENGB 213. Today I am going to talk about the accolades win by UNITEN student at the Sofe (Speak Out for Engineering) Competition 2011.

This competition is organized by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Volunteer Network. This competition is established in 1964 to challenge young engineers to prove that they could ‘communicate effectively’, which is important for every growing engineers.

The main organizer of this Sofe Competition is Institution of Mechanical Engineers Student Chapter of University of Nottingham Ningbo, China and the Co-organizer is Institution of Mechanical Engineers Student Chapter of China Agricultural University Division of Engineering, the University of Nottingham Ningbo, China. 

Furthermore, it can be proudly be said that one of our UNITEN student has participate in the competition on December 2011 at Uniten. Our participant Wan Muhammad Djawad, UNITEN final year mechanical engineering student won the first place in the competition. He presented the title Kite Wind Energy through a series of illustrations with video which was an eye opening and further raised the audience awareness in environmental conservation and search of renewable energy source. Besides he said that the potential energy to be generated by the kite technology was more efficient and economical if compared to wind turbine technology.

Wan Muhammad Djawad, was the only participant representing Uniten at the Sofe competition with defeated six other participants from various higher institutions in Malaysia, namely UiTM, Taylors University, Monash University and Nottingham University.

The winner of this competition receives 300 British pounds plus a trophy and will represent Malaysia at the international level in the IMechE Regional Asia Oceania SOfE Competition. This prise was grabbed by Wan Muhammad Djawad and the first runner up is Mohamed Ackiel Mohamed from Universiti Teknologi Mara with his presentation A Novel Inverse Finite Element Program for Mechanical Properties of Human Skin won a cheque amounting 200 British pounds.

The panel judges for this year were from three distinguished individuals in their respective fields, namely Prof. Dr. Andanastuti Muchtar from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Dr. Lai Mei I from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Mr. Robest Yong, an innovator from the Agency of Innovation, Malaysia.

Moreover, the aim of the competition was to promote a better understanding of mechanical engineering subjects as well as to describe and explain technical subjects using verbal and visual communication. It was also designed to promote interest in the art of communication.

As stated above all this show how Uniten brings up or prepare their students to achieve and gain valuable education in their respective field. Uniten helps and encourage their students to participate in such beneficial events and competition to make sure they get and deliver their best in their field.

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