Thursday, 19 July 2012

Lecturer:Saraswathy Shamini

LECTURES !!! Well what can I say about them? All i know that lectures in UNITEN are all well educated and have full capability to teach their students with all the knowledge they have. Each of the Uniten lecturers have own skills and they all master in special subject!!. Even, there are lecturers who studying while teaching. Some of them even completed PhD and pursuing their research in particular subject. Most of them also have take part in competition and won with flying colours!! So i can guarantee all the lectures in Uniten are qualified with unique skills. 
Madam Saraswathy Shamini
  Today I’m gonna talk about one of my favourite lecturer in UNITEN that is Madam Saraswathy Shamini. Before I tell why I like her, let me brief lil history about her. She has completed her Bachelor in Information Technology in Uniten and she also have Masters in Management Information System. She is currently teaching Introduction to Computer Graphics, C programming , Computing Skills for engineers, Discrete Mathematics and Statistics for computing. Before she teaches in Uniten she has teach in several universities such as BINARY UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, ASIA PACIFIC OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY and ASIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, MEDICINE AND TECHNOLOGY, AIMST. She is a Graphics and Multimedia lecturer, which not even related to my course (software engineering). I can guess what you might be thinking now. 
  You all must be wondering how I have meet her. Here you go, when i was in my Second semester, she taught me Statistics for Computing subject. First I taught she will be same as other lecturer but in my first class she has make me like the subject so much. Her teaching skills are just awesome. She advice us not to memorise whatever in the book and write down in exams. She makes sure all the student understands the subject and she also relate particular thing in our routine life as example so that we all can understand and remember more the subject.
   Furthermore, time flies very fast when she teaches in my class. She will make sure her class is interesting as possible. She prefer her students to always participate in class such as frequently ask questions. Plus, i have never skipped her class anytime neither other students as well. Even other students have always love to go her class. I hope she teach me in future again.
   As, conclusion not only Madam Saraswathy Shamini, there also lots of other lecturers in Uniten are unique in their own way. If I have chance, I would write about all lecturers in future. Till that I’m signing off now. Hope you all will join UNITEN soon!! SEE YA soon!! Have a blessed day!! =D!!!

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