Friday, 20 July 2012

Lecturers:Pn Norziana Jamil

   One of the lecturers in Uniten is Pn Norziana Jamil.She works under the System and Networking department in College of Information Technology.

   Her academics qualifications in Bachelors and Masters in Information Security from Royal Holloway,University of London had put her to work as a Senior Software Engineer in the year 2000 to 2003 and Senior Researcher from 2004 to 2010 and currently holds position as the senior lecturer in the department.Before this, she had worked in MIMOS.

   This mother of 4 had also done some researches includes lightweight cryptographic algorithms, design and analysis of modern cryptographic hash functions, biologically-inspired cryptographic Boolean functions, steganography and security protocols.These remarkable researches had made her won the Best ICT Research 2010 in Uniten ICT Research competition and Patent granted (D07Y0103) ENTITLED "Error Eliminating Protocol for Communicating Parties".

Pn Ziana won for the Best ICT Research 2010

   Alongside her career as a lecturer in Uniten, she had also produce some publications for the university references.One of them are the "Authentication Scheme Based on Identity-Bits Commitment for Wireless Sensor Network in collaboration with R.Mahmood.

   One of the subjects that she taught in Uniten is Discrete Structure, coded CSNB 143.Its a mathematical subject where the students will learn numbers and formulaes that could relate to the computer technology.One of her students, Nor Asyikin Shohadi from Johor states that she loves her class because not only she could make the class a fun place with students, her teachings were well taught, clear and understandable.She will taught teh class with firm until she was sure that all the students understood the current subject.

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